The American Idol Journey

27 Feb

To some Americans, the American Idol would be like their American dream.

Not necessary for big cars and houses, just a chance to go through the top 24 is more than anything they can ask for.

In the most recent episode, it was the deciding day for them to head forward to their American dream or to go home. Their road that came this far was either bumpy or smooth, for Lauren Alaina, her bump came during her second group audition.

A slight breakdown before audition determined her performance on stage later. Judges were all disappointed with her performance, expecting much more from her.

But during her individual performance which determines her position in the top 24, she regained the confidence in herself and the judges.

In this case of Lauren Alaina, her individual performance had been more than spectacular to the judges. Her first group audition came upon as fresh and interesting, performing within expectations. The following week, before her second group audition, she had a tension breakdown. It dramatically affected her performance, disappointing the judges. During the last individual audition, she kept her cool and performed her best, leaving the judges with more than satisfaction.

Within her first group audition, members came together, having the same goal, to make it through to the second audition. With interdependence and shared behavioral standards, they hoped to perform their best. There could be possible complex decision making for the song selection. Because each individual has their own better performing songs that they are more confident and comfortable with. But when these individuals come together, they need to compromise and decide on a song that would not only benefit the group, but also able to bring out the potentials in their members.

Her inability for better performance could be due to the pressure of performing well as a group, at the same time standing out amongst the others to impress the judges. Her sudden tension breakdown, not only affected herself, but also her fellow members. Because as a group, they came together as a shared goal, but with individual need- the need to impress the judges. They did not wish to be influenced and affected by her sudden change in attitude. So despite her breakdown, the group pulled themselves together, pushing her forward for the benefit of all. Nonetheless, the poor performance could still be noted by the judges. If there could be an Energizer in the group, motivating and pushing everyone positively towards their main goal, such a situation could have been avoided.

Struggling to be in the top 24, Alaine knew she had to pull herself together, performing her best in the last individual audition. And she did. This could be due to her recognition of her individual need. She recognized that she need to perform well, in fact, her best to make it through. Not only so, her individual pressure was lighter. She only had herself to account for her performance. Be it good or bad, she would only affect herself. So therefore, there could be lesser probable pressure.

So are you a performing individual, or group member?


6 Responses to “The American Idol Journey”

  1. TheycallmeKenneth April 4, 2011 at 12:15 pm #

    hahaha American Idol for Comms, nice! it actually reminded how our project group works also, that somehow we managed to avoid all the conflicts the other groups have. Overall it’s a pretty good experience that’s certain to be missed. Anyway, like in AI, hopefully in the future we won’t encounter and deal with individuals who desire to stand out so much that he/she will overshadow the group. Nice observation!

    • natalieong April 5, 2011 at 4:52 am #

      Our group managed our differences through good communication amongst us!

  2. arick ling April 17, 2011 at 2:33 pm #

    Different people work differently. For me, I am an individualist. I work better on my own, but group works enhance the productivity. I believe with good communication and adaptability amongst member would result in high performance of the group.

  3. Jon Tan April 17, 2011 at 2:59 pm #

    Agree with Arick. Good communication, rather just communication on its own is essential for a good group performance. One’s flexibility is also crucial.

  4. Jarryl April 17, 2011 at 3:24 pm #

    Somehow group pressure pushes one to go further and faster than an individual would on its own. To a large extent, it is positive for one’s better performance. More brains, more ideas, more creative and therefore more effective in thinking and working!

  5. Bennie Toh April 17, 2011 at 3:48 pm #

    Like Arick, I am an individualist. Somehow working on my own proves my capability to excel. Working in group creates unnecessary stress and issues that could affect performance and time wastage.

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